Mexican partner Colegio de Postgraduados (COLPO) attended to the Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara in Villahermosa, Tabasco (México) on October 30th to showcase the project.
Dr. Eder Ramos Hernández from COLPO, one of the project partners from Mexico, presented the objectives and scope of TROPICSAFE to the biotechnology engineering students of Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara-Campus Tabasco. He explained the activities being developed to achieve an integral pest management of Lethal yellowing in palms (LY). Attendees were able to learn about LY and its associated phytoplasma. In addition, information about the best methods for identification of vector organisms and the transmitted pathogen, as well as the identification of potential niches for the development of vector organisms were shared.
The session was welcomed by the participants due to the relevance of pest management for the sector, and the need for promotion of new research and scientific activities. In this sense, TROPICSAFE has been shown as a strategic commitment to progress on the topic research, based on the cooperation between 22 international partners led by the University of Bologna, Italy.