Country: Ghana
Main role: CSIR will investigate the genetic variability of the CSPWD phytoplasma affecting coconut in Ghana. New diagnostic assays will be developed for new strains identified to improve diagnosis, certification and breeding. The presence of secondary plant hosts that may be involved in the disease cycle will be investigated, and the agronomic performance of already selected and promising coconut varieties will be assessed in the field.
Description: The CSIR is the foremost national science and technology institution in Ghana and was established in 1968. It is mandated to carry out scientific and technological research for national development. The CSIR has 13 research institutes spread across the country. On coconut, the Oil Palm Research Institute has the mandate to carry out research and development on the crop. The institute has been at the forefront in efforts to overcome the menace of the Cape St. Paul wilt disease (a lethal yellowing-like disease of coconut in Ghana) caused by a phytoplasma. The institute has competent researchers who have a long history of successful collaboration with various International and Regional organizations with great success and significant impacts.
Contact person: Egya Ndede Yankey, PhD | Molecular Pathologist (Coconut Research Programme) |